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3.250,00 TL

Costume 1066 to the Present
385,00 TL

TÜKENDİThe Complete World of Human Evolution
799,00 TL

The Complete Roman Emperor Imperial Life - at Court and on Campaign
767,00 TL

Human Anatomy
830,00 TL

Memories of Muhammad: Why the Prophet Matters
956,00 TL

Workers and The Working Class in The Ottoman Empire and The Turkish Republic 1839-1950
1.758,00 TL

TÜKENDİRajastan-Delhi-Agra An Indo-Muslim Lifestyle
2.429,00 TL

TÜKENDİIslam and the Russian Empire: Reform and Revolution in Central Asia
850,00 TL

TÜKENDİIslam, the People and the State: Political Ideas and Movements in the Middle East
706,00 TL

TÜKENDİThe Great Caliphs: The Golden Age of the 'Abbasid Empire
724,00 TL

TÜKENDİOttoman Propaganda and Turkish Identity: Literature in Turkey During World War I
2.788,00 TL

TÜKENDİMigrating to America: Transnational Social Networks and Regional Identity Among Turkish
2.788,00 TL

Ottoman Tulips, Ottoman Coffee : Leisure and Lifestyle in the Eighteenth Century
815,00 TL

The Sultan's Yemen: 19th Century Challenges to Ottoman Rule
3.228,00 TL

TÜKENDİThe Vision of Islam
820,00 TL

TÜKENDİThe Grand Turk : Sultan Mehmet II - Conqueror of Constantinople, Master of an Empire and Lord of Two Seas
528,00 TL

TÜKENDİOttomania: The Romantics and the Myth of the Islamic Orient
1.880,00 TL

TÜKENDİGoverning Property, Making the Modern State: Law, Administration and Production in Ottoman Syria
880,00 TL

Richard Knolles History Of The Turks
145,00 TL

Mystery Cults in the Ancient World
3.365,00 TL

Children's Costume - The Complete Historical Sourcebook
1.120,00 TL

1000 Languages - The Worldwide History of Living and Lost Tongues
1.190,00 TL

Chronicle of the Roman Emperors
625,00 TL

TÜKENDİEgyptian Hieroglyphs for Complete Beginners
135,00 TL

Breaking the Maya Code
755,00 TL

Costume Worldwide
630,00 TL

TÜKENDİIllustrated Directory of Warships
30,00 TL

TÜKENDİDinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Creatures
30,00 TL

The Tulip
1.054,00 TL

TÜKENDİThe Heart of Achilles: Characterization and Personal Ethics in the Iliad
180,00 TL

TÜKENDİPompey the Great
192,50 TL

TÜKENDİThe Invention of Coinage and the Monetization of Ancient Greece
325,00 TL

TÜKENDİCaesar's Civil War
696,00 TL

TÜKENDİTroy C. 1700-1250 BC
490,00 TL

The First Crusade 1096-99: Conquest of the Holy Land
465,00 TL

TÜKENDİLate Roman Infantryman 236-565 AD
125,00 TL

TÜKENDİHajj: Journey to the Heart of Islam
75,00 TL

Astrolabes at Greenwich : A Catalogue of the Astrolabes in the National Maritime Museum
3.744,00 TL

TÜKENDİThe Janissaries
50,00 TL

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