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Souvenir of Jerusalem - Kudüs Hatırası

Yayınevi: IRCICA

ISBN: 9789290633808

1.200,00 TL  (KDV Dahil)

Kargoya verilme süresi: 1 - 5 İş Günü

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ISBN: 9789290633808
Yazar: M. Murat Kargılı
Cilt tipi: Sert Kapak

A portion, previously not fully explored, of historical information about Al-Quds/Jerusalem is embodied in the postcards and souvenir objects featuring the city. These items, that were posted or kept by visitors, are assets of cultural heritage and hold anthropological value both for their own sake and for the thoughts and purposes attached to them. ”Souvenir of Jerusalem” sheds light on this valuable legacy. The book contains reproductions of postcards, posters,and photographs of various objects that Mr. Murat Kargılı hadassembledin hispersonal collection and supplemented with annotations.The book came out in IRCICA’s series of studieson al-QudsandPalestine. Earlier IRCICA published albums of historical photographs o fal-Quds (Al-Quds/Jerusalem in historical photographs, 2009; Jerusalem in Historical Photographs From Past to Present, 2015) but this is the first publication to focus on postcards and artefacts. The first chapter of thebook is reserved to postcards, with annotations on thequarters, structures andscenes of life. The second chapter contains a large variety of printed materials such as posters, trade cards, gravures and maps featuring a fascinating range of subjects and objects. The last c late 19th early 20th centuries.The said album came out in adeluxe edition printed on archival-quality paper. It features more than 150 printed materials such as postcards, maps, engravings, posters, trade cards and pictures of souvenir objects which will take the reader on a journey to Al-Quds; this main sacred city that has seen the longest state rule in its history under Muslims’ administration.



298 Sayfa

17 x 32 cm