> Yayınevi: I.B.Tauris

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Caspian Energy Resources: Implications for the Arab Gulf States
1.260,00 TL

Frontiers Of Ottoman Studies Volume II
1.015,00 TL

Frontiers Of Ottoman Studies Volume I
3.067,00 TL

Turkish Democracy Today Elections,Protest and Stability in an Islamic Society
609,00 TL

New Directions in Islamic Thought Exploring Reform And Muslim Tradition
3.227,00 TL

TÜKENDİThe Ottoman Empire and the World Around It
912,00 TL

Fragments of Culture The Everyday of Modern Turkey
460,00 TL

TÜKENDİThe Zaza Kurds of Turkey
1.932,00 TL

TÜKENDİApocalyptuc Islam and Iranian Shı'ısm
185,00 TL

Artisans Of Empire Craft and Craftspeople Under the Ottomans
4.860,00 TL

Between Two Empires - Ahmet Ağaoğlu and The New Turkey
3.226,00 TL

Turkey, Islamists and Democracy : Transition and Globalization in a Muslim State
590,00 TL

Classical Anatolia: The Glory of Hellenism
1.943,00 TL

TÜKENDİNew Turkish Cinema
600,00 TL

Workers and The Working Class in The Ottoman Empire and The Turkish Republic 1839-1950
1.758,00 TL

TÜKENDİIslam and the Russian Empire: Reform and Revolution in Central Asia
850,00 TL

TÜKENDİIslam, the People and the State: Political Ideas and Movements in the Middle East
706,00 TL

TÜKENDİA Modern History of the Ismailis: Continuity and Change in a Muslim Community
173,00 TL

TÜKENDİSite-writing: The Architecture of Art Criticism
984,00 TL

TÜKENDİSacred Script : Muhaqqaq in Islamic Calligraphy
1.826,00 TL

TÜKENDİThe Great Caliphs: The Golden Age of the 'Abbasid Empire
724,00 TL

TÜKENDİOttoman Propaganda and Turkish Identity: Literature in Turkey During World War I
2.788,00 TL

TÜKENDİMigrating to America: Transnational Social Networks and Regional Identity Among Turkish
2.788,00 TL

Ottoman Tulips, Ottoman Coffee : Leisure and Lifestyle in the Eighteenth Century
3.254,00 TL

The Sultan's Yemen: 19th Century Challenges to Ottoman Rule
3.228,00 TL

TÜKENDİOttoman Painting: Reflections of Western Art from the Ottoman Empire to the Turkish Republic
1.263,00 TL

TÜKENDİThe Vision of Islam
820,00 TL

TÜKENDİThe Grand Turk : Sultan Mehmet II - Conqueror of Constantinople, Master of an Empire and Lord of Two Seas
528,00 TL

TÜKENDİOttomania: The Romantics and the Myth of the Islamic Orient
1.880,00 TL

TÜKENDİGoverning Property, Making the Modern State: Law, Administration and Production in Ottoman Syria
880,00 TL

Northern Cyprus : A Traveller's Guide
1.044,00 TL

TÜKENDİFrontiers of Ottoman Studies, Volume I
133,00 TL

TÜKENDİOttoman Reform and Muslim Regeneration
645,00 TL

Frontiers of Ottoman Studies, Volume II
1.131,00 TL

TÜKENDİOttomans Looking West?: The Origins of the Tulip Age and its Development in Modern Turkey
3.952,00 TL

TÜKENDİBlack Sea Politics: Political Culture and Civil Society in an Unstable Region
792,00 TL

Ottomans, Turks and the Balkans: Empire Lost, Relations Altered
3.225,00 TL

Jihad: The Rise of Militant Islam in Central Asia
1.358,00 TL

The State and the Subaltern: Modernization, Society and the State in Turkey and Iran
3.275,00 TL

Recognizing Islam: Religion and Society in the Modern Middle East
845,00 TL

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